If you or someone you know missed #clmooc and are looking for a short, fun maker mini-course, consider Make/Hack/Play Together. I’ll be facilitating this 3-week mini-course that starts on Nov. 4. It’s free, you can earn a HP Catalyst Academy
Open learning at K12 Online
The K12 Online conference for 2013 has a great lineup of presenters, and it all starts on Oct. 14. I’m especially excited about the Open Learning strand, which I’m helping to coordinate. Check out the line up here. This is
Some advice on cMOOCs (part 1)
In the midst of #clmooc and in the planning stages of some other massive (perhaps) open online collaborations, I’m thinking again about the dynamics of self-direction in a peer learning context. At the P2PU School of Ed, we’ve played with
An amazing summer project
I have written before about Paul Allison and the amazing work he has done at Youth Voices and on P2PU with badges for interest-driven student projects. Now, we need your help. A team of folks, including me and Paul, want
Learn about the School of Open and more at 4T
Next week is the Virtual 4T Conference put on by the University of Michigan School of Education. This is a free, virtual conference (but registration is required). If you’ve been wondering what the P2PU School of Open is up to,