(This is a part of a series on the differences and similarities between formal and informal adult learning.)

So here we are. We’ve covered a lot of issues related to the challenges of an innovative, DIY educational initiative trying to work with more traditional, formal institutions.

What are the options for moving ahead? It’s a vast continuum of overlapping choices. Some may make more or less sense in different timeframes.

  • Flex to meet credit requirements, which may mean compromising the core values of peer learning as we’ve envisioned it. (At the School of Ed, we won’t likely do that.)
  • Flex to meet credit requirements while not compromising core values. (It’s not yet known if this is possible and under what circumstances. It will likely depend on how flexible and creative we all are.)
  • Forgo credit for now and work hard on creative new models.
  • Forgo credit and stay true to the letter of our core values. (Easy for us but a disservice to folks who need credit; may also limit the reach and impact of P2PU).
  • Pursue becoming accredited as a credit-issuing institution. (Lots of time and money involved.)
  • Pursue new models of issuing credit by working with policymakers, states, districts, etc. (Long term process, again with lots of time and money required, but the upside for learners could be huge.)

Most of this series has been written with PD and CEUs for teachers in mind. The issues get bigger and more complicated when you start thinking about degrees and actual university credit.

Formal ed vs DIY – Part 7, Where do we go from here?
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